Tuesday 21 July 2009

This is my first post over on this new blog.

Two days into the holidays and I'm feeling inspired to write, which I haven't done for a while. Stretching my creative fingers in mixed media art and jewellery design has been my outlet for the last couple of years, but I find myself back here and excited about it!

Here is a brief paragraph of something I've been working on.

Tendrils of sweat ran down red hot cheeks, strands of hair that had escaped my helmet slick against my forehead. Unclipping the strap under my chin and lifting off my helmet. Skating slowly across the track away from my team mates, smile widely spread across my face, he came over, sweeping me up easily in his arms as he swung me round plastering kisses on my wet cheeks and lips. My squeels echoing in the bad acoustics of the room, disappearing with the cheers and congratulations wizzing about my ears. Gently putting my skate clad feet back on the track he spoke,
"That was amazing."